Sunday, 25 March 2012

This week...

I went to see...

which was entertaining but needed to be funnier and less silly partying montages.

I watched...
and it was amazing! I was in tears during season 2 finale. 
I hope they make a new series soon.

I'm slowly getting through...

Amazing book and author but very long!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Royal Academy of Music Museum, London

Great quote from Benjamin Britten. This is how I feel most of the time... 
and why these posts have very little text.

 I wish I could have tried this Stradivari violin. It was so frustrating to see it behind glass with no one allowed to play it.

Paganini is so good at violin he only needs one string!

Monday, 19 March 2012

London Baby

 Out for a walk in the Hackney Marshes to recover from a very late night in Big Red!